Helios offers four types of rewards, including Emissions, Fees, Bribes, and Rebase.
Emissions are distributed to LPs, and the amount of HELI distributed per pool is proportional to the number of votes received from voters in that pool for each Epoch. These rewards are available to be claimed.
Fees are the trading fees collected from the liquidity pool, and 100% of the fees are distributed to the voters who vote for that pool.
Similarly, bribes can be offered by anyone outside of the pool, and 100% of the reward is distributed to the voters who vote for that pool.
Rebase is the veHELI token distributed to veHELI holders to reduce the dilution of voting rights.
Regarding reward claiming, the rebase token reward can be claimed during the Epoch from when the tokens are locked, while the bribe reward can be claimed after the start of a new Epoch.
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